
Why do trees in the evergreen family grow straight up? Consider the energy in which they feed on. I have a theory that the trees feed on energy that is of a fairly high frequency. That energy is determined by the area of a single leaf. I. E. small leaves feed on high frequencies. Evergreen needles are very small in surface area so they utilize a very high frequency which doesn’t “bend” much.  The source of energy is space itself, light plays a part in photosynthesis of green growth but the transport of nutrients is driven by the oscillation of energy between the leaves and the ground (branches, trunk, and roots are the conductor). The trees behave like a radio oscillating circuit, in radios it is referred to as a LC circuit, in this scenario its organic but the same processes take place.

Trees like maples have large leaves and feed upon much lower frequencies. They in turn can bend off center to reach a wider field area since lower frequencies can bend to a degree. This is why they look like upside down lightning bolts, the paths are of lower resistance.

Dan Dial Tecnology